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Scoil Mhuire, Caislean Nua, Clonmel, Co Tipperary
Pre Enrolment Form 2025/2026 Pre Enrolment Forms now available for the 2025/2026 academic year. Please click on the following link to complete. [Pre Enrolment Form 2025/2026]
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Aladdin ConnectAladdin Connect is a new innovative product designed to streamline communication in Irish primary schools.
Connect is a comprehensive communication platform including the following features:
  • Parent Portal – allows school to securely share student information with parents (report cards, attendance, noticeboard, homework, test results) – schools have full control over the data that they share with parents.
  • Aladdin App for parents – including unlimited app messages which can replace texting.
  • Aladdin App for teachers – which allows them to take attendance, receive notice board alerts, etc.
  • School Calendar which parents can view on the app as well as the portal.
  • Web Pre-enrolment module which allows families to apply online for a place in your school and allows schools to manage enrolment very efficiently and fairly.
  • Parent-Teacher Meeting Scheduler – quickly and efficiently organise parent-Teacher meetings in your school. Parents can select their preferred meeting times.
  • Permissions lists – set up permissions lists and gather permission from parents for any item or event that your school needs to gather permission for.
  • Absence Reason – allows parents to easily submit the reason for their child’s absence instantly through the Aladdin app instead of having to write a note.
  • cost-saving (printing, photocopying, posting, texting)
  • time-saving
  • central hub for all communication with the parent body
  • easy to use for both school and parents
  • simple roll-out process
  • trusted brand
  • full Aladdin support
  • aid in compliance with GDPR
  • the future of communication
For more information you click here. If you are experiencing difficulties with Aladdin Connect, please email