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Scoil Mhuire, Caislean Nua, Clonmel, Co Tipperary
Pre Enrolment Form 2025/2026 Pre Enrolment Forms now available for the 2025/2026 academic year. Please click on the following link to complete. [Pre Enrolment Form 2025/2026]
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Split the Pot Winner…

2nd Feb 2024

This weeks winner of Split the Pot is Trisha Ahearne.🎉 Congratulations Trisha and thank you to everyone who supports Split the Pot every week. 🙏

The next draw will be Friday 9th February. It’s only €2 to enter! You can enter the draw in school or locally in  McCarra’s, Joanie’s, Anthony Condons or Katie’s. If you’re not in you can’t win! 💶