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Scoil Mhuire, Caislean Nua, Clonmel, Co Tipperary
Pre Enrolment Form 2025/2026 Pre Enrolment Forms now available for the 2025/2026 academic year. Please click on the following link to complete. [Pre Enrolment Form 2025/2026]
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23rd Jun 2023

Thank you to everyone who supports our Split the Pot Draw every week. The proceeds of this are spent on buying resources for the pupils and doing fun activities with the classes including activities for Wellbeing Week and Active Week . We purchased some fabulous resources recently which the pupils love and are really enjoying. Our Split the Pot Draw will recommence in September, and we would encourage you, your family and friends to support it.


 Our annual 5k was a huge success this year and a total of €4,065.00 was raised. A lot of this money was spent on purchasing our Accelerated Reader Programme which we are currently setting up for September. We also purchased IZAK 9 Maths Cubes which will help to promote collaboration and problem solving. A huge thank you to Honor Goonan, Nessa O’ Dwyer and Karen O’ Dwyer for all their time and efforts in organising the 5k each year.